The 40 Foods IgG Food Intolerance Test


You can go straight ahead with a comprehensive test for food intolerances or you can take a £20 Indicator test which you can upgrade if you have a positive result.

If you choose to go straight ahead without first completing an indicator test there are a variety of different tests to choose from with different foods being tested with a range of different costs, all designed so you can be sure to get the right test that you need.

The 40 Food Intolerance Test (IgG)

  • Grains: Barley, Corn (Maize), Durum Wheat, Gliadin*, Oat, Rice, Rye, Wheat
  • Dairy: Cow’s milk, Egg white, Egg yolk
  • Meat and Poultry: Beef, Chicken, Lamb, Pork, Turkey
  • Fish: Cod, Crab, Haddock, Lobster, Plaice, Shrimp/Prawn
  • Vegetables: Broccoli, Cabbage (savoy and white), Cauliflower, Pea, Potato,
  • Fruits: Apple, Blackberry, Grapefruit, Lemon, Orange, Pear, Raspberry, Strawberry
  • Nuts: Almond, Cashew nut, Hazelnut, Peanut
  • Pulses: Red kidney bean, White haricot bean, Soya bean
  • Yeast: Yeast (baker’s), Yeast (brewer’s)

*Gliadin: A glycoprotein (a carbohydrate plus a protein) within gluten. Gliadin is found in wheat and some other grains, including oats, rye and barley. People with celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, and other conditions may be sensitive to gliadin in the diet. In these conditions, antibodies to gliadin can often be detected in the blood.

Turn Around Time

12 days
