The biggest part of the problem with PCOS is insulin resistance. Resistance to insulin increases the body’s insulin levels, which can have a negative affect on ovulation by limiting the maturation process of an egg and in turn delaying or preventing ovulation from taking place. Insulin resistance also makes it difficult for the embryo to attach properly to the uterus for implantation and increases inflammation and the chances of developing type 2 diabetes


  1. Eliminate all sugars and reduce carbohydrates from the list attached. You should aim for about 60 to 100 grams of carbohydrates from the list below, this does not include green vegetables or root vegetables such as carrots , beets , turnips etc. there is no limit, look for hidden sugars in tomatoes sauce mayonnaise etc. Avoid artificial sweeteners.
  2. Always eat some protein and health fats and fibre with low glycemic carbohydrates; this can be animal protein or vegetable proteins. Adding protein helps to slow down the absorption of carbohydrates even further . Eat organic if possible, Healthy fats include coconut oil, ghee, organic butter, olive oil and avocado etc. Fat helps to keep you satisfied, important for absorption of fat soluble vitamins., for hormone production and absorption of minerals and protects cell membrane  Do not eat low fat products –as the fat is replaced with sugar
  3.  Make  breakfast  a high protein, fat and low carb one. Ideally do not eat between meals, but  if your hungry between meals eat a small snack containing fat and protein e.g small amount of mixed nuts, small apple with sugar free nut spread, humous and carrot/cucumber sticks
  4. Eat oily fish and foods rich in omega3 fats to make your body more sensitive to insulin and overcome insulin resistance. (Mackerel sardines salmon, trout and herrings about 3 portions a week or flaxseed/ linseed if you are vegetarian.
  5. Try cutting out all dairy products for three months to help reduce male hormone levels. Dairy contains substance called insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), which has similar properties to insulin and often contains hormones which effect your hormone levels(not essential it helps some people) if you do eat dairy eat full fat and organic. Eat a gluten- free diet
  6. Eat more green vegetable and pluses, especially cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, kale, cauliflower, brussel sprouts and cabbages). These help to increase the levels of sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG) produced by the liver, which help to reduce the amount of male hormones in your system. SHBG tends to be low in people with PCOS. Do not eat them raw if you have thyroid problems, lightly steam or stir-fry.
  7. Cut out alcohol to help improve liver function, which is very important in balancing blood sugar and insulin levels
  8. Reduce or eliminate caffeine to give your adrenal glands a rest and reduce the levels of cortisol produced by the adrenals and for the same reason reduce your stress levels – the stress hormone cortisol competes with fertility hormones
  9. Eliminate hydrogenated and trans fats found in processed and junk food, processed vegetable oils (corn, soya oil) and margarines to reduce the inflammatory response and damage associated with PCOS
  10. Exercise regularly incorporating cardiovascular training with exercise to build muscles (helps to reduce body fat). Avoid excessive exercise programs because too much exercise overworks the adrenal glands which increases inflammation and in turn makes PCOS worse. Restorative exercise programs are best. You could walk and lift weights, or take a Pilates class and run on the treadmill, or do some Zumba and then Fertility Yoga. Discover what you enjoy doing and do this 5 days a week for at least thirty minutes a day
  11. This an extra  one, but important INTERMITTENT FASTING- EAT IN 8/10 HOUR WINDOW ONLY- helps to improve insulin sensitivity


Carbohydrates that need to restricted or included in 60/100 grams daily allowance


Bread, cereals, crackers, snack or breakfast bars, oatmeal, pastries, cookies cakes, pasta , fruit, fruit juices, fruit smoothies, fizzy drinks, honey sugar, beer/wine, milk, rice potatoes / sweet potatoes, beans and corns

There is no limit on green vegetables or root vegetables ( squash, carrots swede, parsnips etc) because of the high nutritional content

Good fats ,protein and fibre with every meal.

Food should be as natural as possible with as few ingredients on the label

Eat a variety of food

Do not eat too much fruit , it contains fructose, a type of sugar (1/2 pieces portion of low carb fruit day such as berries or green apples)







If you would like to work with me to improve you PCOS contact me at www.ecotherapies.co.uk


Next article: Which Supplements can help PCOS